An efficient, self-consistent method of Monte Carlo and Poisson equation is used to simulate the electrical characteristic of deep submicron metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect Transistor ( MOSFET). 用蒙特卡罗-泊松方程自洽求解的方法,对深亚微米金属-氧化物-半导体场效应晶体管&MOSFET的电特性进行了模拟。
Resolve 3-D Poisson Equation of Eigenvalue Problem Using Q~ ( rot)_1 Finite Element 用Q~(rot)1元解三维poisson方程/特征值问题
A New Method of Using CNN to Solve Poisson Equation 应用细胞神经网络求解泊松方程的新途径
Numerical Solution of Poisson Equation by Using Wavelet Bases of Hermite Cubic Splines on the Interval 基于区间三次Hermite样条小波的Poisson方程数值求解方法
Four Finite Element Solutions and Comparison of Problem for the Three-dimensional Poisson Equation Eigenvalue 三维Poisson方程特征值的四种有限元解及比较
The experiments prove that CNN can be used to solve Poisson equation, and it is a new way. 实验证明,用细胞神经网络可以求解泊松方程,这是一条新的途径。
To see what error was engendered in the process, we now allow Ni to differ from Ne and use the linearized Poisson equation. 为了研究在这个过程中引起了多少误差,我们让ni与ne不相同,并用线性化的泊松方程。
Solving Poisson equation based on indirect Trefftz method 基于间接Trefftz法求解泊松方程
Separating variables for a class of Poisson equation 一类Poisson方程的分离变量法
Dealing with Natural Boundary Conditions in Difference Equation of Poisson Equation of Three-Dimensional Spherical Domain 三维球形域泊松方程的差分方程中自然边界条件的处理
In this paper, separation variable method is applied to solve a Fourier solution for the Dirichlet question in circle of poisson equation. 本文应用分离变量法,求出了一个泊松方程圆内狄利克雷问题的付氏解。
Treatment of Domain Integrals Using Cartesian Grids for Solving Poisson Equation with Boundary Point Method 泊松方程的边界点法求解与区域积分的规则网格处理
Inverse problem of unknown source identification in two-dimensional Poisson equation 二维Poisson方程未知源识别反问题
The energy band tailoring in AlGaN/ GaN heterostructure by using polarization charge is investigated according to the self consistent solution of Schr dinger equation and Poisson equation. 从自洽求解薛定谔方程和泊松方程出发研究了利用异质界面上的极化电荷来剪裁异质结能带。
Overlapping Domain Decomposition Algorithm for 2-D Poisson Equation and Its Parallel Implementation 二维Poisson方程的重叠型区域分解算法及并行实现
A posteriori error estimation on anisotropic mesh for Poisson equation Poisson方程各向异性网格的后验误差估计
The pressure Poisson equation is solved using Tschebyscheff SLOR method by alternating the computational directions. 压力Poisson方程用TschebyscheffSLOR方法交替方向迭代求解。
The poisson equation was solved by finite element method with appropriate structural parameters and proper boundary condition, and a series of discrete electric potential and field value were obtained. 选取适当的结构参数,运用有限元法,采用适当的边界条件求解泊松方程,得到了一系列离散的电势和电场数值,并依据这些数值绘制出了相应的电势和电场分布图形。
In order to solve the problem, boundary element numerical method for steady percolation Laplace equation and Poisson equation is derived. 为解决这一问题,推导出稳定渗流Laplace方程和Poisson方程的边界元数模解法;
By solving the Poisson equation, a new breakdown model based on interface charges is developed in the paper. 基于求解二维Poisson方程,分析了具有埋氧层界面电荷的SOI结构纵向击穿特性,提出了界面电荷耐压模型。
The basic problem of the 2-D nonlinear Poisson equation is solved analytically. 本文对二维非线性泊松方程这一基本问题进行了求解。
A numerical solution method named section-by-section method was introduced to solve the Poisson equation. 提出了分段计算求解泊松方程的数值计算方法。
Vlasov equation and generalized Poisson equation are used here to obtain the energies of oscillations in nuclei. 本文用符拉索夫方程和广义泊松方程得出原子核内具有特征振荡。
The Schrdinger equation and Poisson equation are solved self-consistently to calculate the new two dimensional surface states. 从薛定谔方程和泊松方程的自洽计算中得到了新的二维表面态。
This technique is equivalent to replacing the ordinary Poisson equation by The Constant Coefficient elliptic equation. 该方法等价于网格生成方程采用常系数椭圆型方程来代替Poisson方程。
In this paper author investigates a numerical method for the time independent equations of N-S type and pressure Poisson equation. 本文研究了定常N-S型方程和压力泊松方程的耦合求解。
The linear triangular element method of the Poisson equation is considered in this paper. 本文作者讨论的是泊松方程的线性三角元法。
The characterization in space-charge region of SiC PMOS structure is analyzed by solving one dimension poisson equation. 用解一维poisson方程的方法分析了SiCPMOS空间电荷区的电特性;
One Poisson equation for the electric potential is discretized by a finite element method; 用一个有限元法离散电子位势所满足的Poisson方程;
A compact type high-order difference method based on symmetry undetermined coefficient is presented for the solution of the two dimensional Poisson equation. In particular, the general different methods with fourth-and sixth-order compact schemes for the equation are set up. 利用对称性和待定系数的基本思想,提出了数值求解泊松方程的一种新的高阶紧致差分方法,构造了二维泊松方程的四阶和六阶紧致差分格式。